Thursday, 2 June 2011

Tuesday Reunion, 31/05/11

Democratic Revolution LVP
Minutes: Clove Hitch 31/05/11 7:00pm
Plans made:
Williamson Square occupation (AGORA): next Sunday 12/06/11. Time to be arranged.
• It was agreed to solicit slogans for banners, in different languages, via the face book group (Jonathan).
• We will try to arrange music and musicians to accompany us. We need a megaphone, speakers and musical instruments (drums etc.)
• Other entertainers will be contacted to add variety to the protest with some performances: Juggler (Jonathan), Actors (Marco).
• We will make an increased and organised effort to invite more people, including local and international press (Jonathan, Sandra, Valentina). Please, invite all the people/social groups you deem appropriate to increase our numbers and impact.
• Leaflets containing bullet points about the current political/economic situation in the UK and parallels with the demands of the protestors throughout Europe. Carlos is investigating an online programme that we can all edit together in order to produce the leaflet. Marco will do final edit, print and photocopy. Deadline: Sunday.
• Leaflets will be posted around town and handed out in city centre on Saturday 11/06/11 by volunteers.
• We agreed to dedicate a section of the protest to an “open mike” assembly, in which participants are free to open discussion or provide their point of view on any aspect of democracy/economy/politics.
• Finally, a subsequent meeting to finalise plans for Sunday will take place at the Clove Hitch, Hope Street at 8pm next Tuesday 07/06/11.

• More engagement/discussion of posts in facebook group.
• Increase engagement and contributions to the blog.
• Email list created for those involved in organising Democratic Revolution LVP events and meetings. Please, indicate if you wish to be added to this email list.

Next event click here!

1 comment:

  1. In order to created an email list very easily, I propose people interested just email:

    and from there we don´t need to type all the names in!
    what do you think people?
