Saturday, 18 June 2011

Madrid protests: 'We are a virus ... rooted and entrenched' - video

Thousands protesting against Spain's political establishment continue their occupation of Madrid's Puerta del Sol square, in the 'tent city' established after the mass demonstration on 15 May

See this new in The Guardian

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Democratic revolution LVP manifesto

“Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind”. (George Orwell)

When did we lose faith in the power of ideas? When did we unreservedly decide that we would drop our dead weight into the hands of politics that we no longer believe in?

We fall and are swept along by the consequences of our own non sense.

We do not feel represented by the politicians or politician’s ideas, or, perhaps more sadly, we do not have enough ideas. Political parties who we voted for do not listen to us. They say nothing about our values, our dreams or about the freedom and democracy that we crave and even less concerning the ideas that we do believe in. And even so, we are still drawn into them. We were the stationary generation, until all of us emerged as a movement.

Democratic Revolution Liverpool believes in the possibility of change - in that, by thinking differently, we will be able to reach a new aim. To do this we have proposed to rethink the current structures that govern us, from the largest to the smallest, and to raise awareness, renew ourselves and achieve change.

As citizens, we demand to be heard - pay attention to us! We believe in the system and therefore we believe in the necessity of building a new one, a fair one. This is our contribution to the future. This is the minimum that we crave and we are ready to fight and work to achieve it.

1. Real direct democracy

Why do we say that our system is not democratic? Because not all state powers are democratic and nor are all of our structures. Then how we can recognize their legitimacy? What kind of power is governing us?

As responsible citizens - owners of our destiny and future - we want to take part in the system. We want to be a responsible part of democracy. There are enough legal methods to start working on the idea to govern people by the people and not without us, not ignoring our needs and ambitions.

As an example we propose the return to decision-making meetings in districts and towns which will be submitted to the executive representative of the people or could be managed by the ombudsman. We talk about the need for referendums, when a decision is made that affects the citizens in a political or economic level.

Our system should be reviewed and updated continuously. Laws are not eternal and are not always suitable to defend the interests of the people.

2. Economics is the real power as opposed to politics

What it is the use of having different political parties, if there is just one economy and it is immutable? What chance has a political party to act or make changes, if the bases of its priorities are a global economy that we have not voted for and which has been decided upon behind closed doors?

3. Transparency

What do we know about the state? What do we know about the government?

We demand complete transparency in the mode of action. We demand to know how policies are to be developed as well as how they are implemented and, more importantly, why.

We cannot participate if we do not have all the information. We cannot remain relegated to the political messages we receive from the media. It is our state, our democracy, we want to know.

Ours is an information society and we cannot deny the power of new technologies. We must live by utilising our own resources for our own benefit. We propose an official government website that provides useful information.

4. Suppression of politician’s benefits and limited terms for politicians

We ask only for common sense. While the crisis takes with it the future of an entire generation, politicians close parliamentary agreements that increase their own benefits and give them more power to act.

5. Real journalism

We are tired of listening to politicians in the mouths of the media. We demand that journalists be free to tell the truth and to protect our right to be informed.

Journalism is not just a business; it is about freedom of speech and the right to have information and should be treated as such.

6. Change the education system

How can we take part in a real democracy and be able to think critically about the information that we receive without a proper education?

To encourage new generations to have knowledge, the ability to decide and act we must begin by changing the way citizens are educated.

7. Create a real fair common educational framework (Europe)

We live in a Europe that set up an economic framework (which is not real), that has an environmental policy (which is not developed), that has a labor policy (which is not fulfilled), and we implemented an education system that does not fit reality in Europe.

19 June 2011 Liverpool

Democratic Revolution Liverpool – 2nd ACT
Against the EuroPACT, and claiming our FUTURE.

Meet at 12:30 PM at the -out Church.
Wear white T-shirt with your personal slogan on it.
Bring your pans and pots!!!

Event in FB

March Route

View 19 June in a larger map

14 June 2011 Minutes

14/06/11 Reunion Minutes
After 2h deciding going to Manchester or not, WE finally decided to STAY IN LIVERPOOL ON 19th JUNE.

Preparation of the Demonstration on 19th June:
Tasks for today:
o Contact the police (Sandra)
o Design the map with the route (Marta), to be added to the event!
That´s the route, what a efficiency:

o Announce the event in FB (Valentina):

Tasks for the event:
Description: we will march from the “bomb church”, meeting at 12.30 there, by stairs, to…(see the map route).
We need for this nice, joyful and enjoyable day:
o Wearing “homemade” white t-shirts, “homemade” means writing on them some sentences about the protest, maybe also the name of the group? (everyone of the group)
o Bring pans, pots, whatever to make noise (everyone of the group)
o Contact musicians, drummers (Maria), anyone knows someone?
o Distribute leaflets; Jonathan makes the short version of the manifesto, plus adding the group contact. (Not sure if we do 2 leaflet versions, one with the manifesto and other with the info of the group, or everything in one) Angela and Umut print them. (Any volunteer?) Marco is the graphic designer and editor of the leaflets.
o English songs (Maria, Ben?)
o Bring banners. Contact Angela, Natalia if you need cardboard. Check the old banner conditions and valid messages. (Angela and Natalia). Contact Barbara.
o Masks??? (sorry I miss this point?). We can also make up our faces, with some face paints. (Are we a circus?)
o Contact someone to record a video of the event! Anyone knows someone or has a camera?(?)
o Bring a music player with speakers? (Marco??)
o Smile (everyone)
Ideas for messages:
o Broken democracy
o Transparent democracy
o Take your future back
o Reclaim your future
Saturday we are going to meet again, to make the t-shirts, the banners and after that, going to Oye festival in Sefton park, wearing the homemade t-shirts, trying to grab more people for Sunday and for the group. Event on Saturday: Marcolentina´s sweet home close to Sefton park, Marco will send the indications. 2pm meet there (I think). Bring markers, t-shirts, cardboards!
Please complete if I forgot something. People who hasn´t been assigned to anything, I encourage to volunteer yourself. Thanks a lot for everyone. Have a nice day!
PS. Many thanks to Sandra for having written the Manifesto. Looking forward to receiving it!

Obsolescencia Programada

This is highly recommended, don´t miss it, but it is in Spanish. There are also a lot of clips in it in English, German and French. So I think everybody can get the idea.

Enjoy it,


Sunday, 12 June 2011

Friday Meeting 10 June 2011

Yo chaps,

Just a brief summary of what has been discussed Friday night during our lovely evening at the Egg Cafe (thanks Sandra for the hospitality).
The 19th of June all over Europe there would be political demonstration against the new Euro Pact (here for more info). Therefore initially we’ve discussed the best way for our growing group to attend this. We could go to the Manchester event or organizing something here in Liverpool. Going to Manchester would be nice to meet their group and coordinate our actions. On the other hand organizing something here it would be cool considering the number of people we could reach. Possibly we could do both and perhaps some of us could join the Manchester protest and surely we can contact them using FB.
Regarding the event in Liverpool, one idea that was circulating around the table was to focus on three main topics and use them as themes for our event on Sunday the 19th. The three topics would be:

- Real democracy (electoral laws, corruption, popular participation)

- Euro pact (what it is, effect on everyday life, can it be stopped?)

- Financial crisis and origin (neo-liberalism, inequality, profits of companies)

Two or three people each topic should collect information and facts in order to be ready to discuss it during the event. Choose freely which topic you prefer to take care of and if you have time start to collect info please do it. Tuesday we can debate together on how to organize the event.

A proposal could be to organize three discussion groups, one each topic and at the end of the event we could collect the best/most common opinions for each topic and further discuss them in a general assembly.

Another thing that we should plan carefully would be the logistic of the event. I think that the following elements would be essential:

Music (does anyone has a portable stereo or sound system?)

Leaflets (Marco: editing and photocopy)

Other forms of entertainment

Banners (some banners should still around from last time)

Flags (Marco: 1 Italian, 1 Spanish)

Feel free to add and suggest other things and/or modify this plan. Please use this e-mail list to further discuss the event and related issues.

We are going to meet up on Tuesday at 19:45 at the Clove Hitch in Hope Street (here the link for the event on FB)

Hasta la vista, baby


Monday, 6 June 2011

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Tuesday Reunion, 31/05/11

Democratic Revolution LVP
Minutes: Clove Hitch 31/05/11 7:00pm
Plans made:
Williamson Square occupation (AGORA): next Sunday 12/06/11. Time to be arranged.
• It was agreed to solicit slogans for banners, in different languages, via the face book group (Jonathan).
• We will try to arrange music and musicians to accompany us. We need a megaphone, speakers and musical instruments (drums etc.)
• Other entertainers will be contacted to add variety to the protest with some performances: Juggler (Jonathan), Actors (Marco).
• We will make an increased and organised effort to invite more people, including local and international press (Jonathan, Sandra, Valentina). Please, invite all the people/social groups you deem appropriate to increase our numbers and impact.
• Leaflets containing bullet points about the current political/economic situation in the UK and parallels with the demands of the protestors throughout Europe. Carlos is investigating an online programme that we can all edit together in order to produce the leaflet. Marco will do final edit, print and photocopy. Deadline: Sunday.
• Leaflets will be posted around town and handed out in city centre on Saturday 11/06/11 by volunteers.
• We agreed to dedicate a section of the protest to an “open mike” assembly, in which participants are free to open discussion or provide their point of view on any aspect of democracy/economy/politics.
• Finally, a subsequent meeting to finalise plans for Sunday will take place at the Clove Hitch, Hope Street at 8pm next Tuesday 07/06/11.

• More engagement/discussion of posts in facebook group.
• Increase engagement and contributions to the blog.
• Email list created for those involved in organising Democratic Revolution LVP events and meetings. Please, indicate if you wish to be added to this email list.

Next event click here!