Monday, 30 May 2011

Mouseland by Thomas C Douglas

Thomas C Douglas led the first social-democratic government in North America and introduced single-payer health care to more in this Wiki link

First Action by Democratic Revolution

22 May 2011 Williamsom Square, Liverpool
Although there is an interested review of what happened on last Sunday, read here, I would like to add what happened in the 24h-ish previous to the event:
In only one night and a whole day, 10 people worked very hard, which I felt very proud of all of you. The just born group contacted the police and the press to inform about the demonstration; we created leaflets to analyse the politic situations in other European countries, see below. We also spread the word, by opening a new FB group and this blog. We even wrote the minutes of the first spontaneous reunion on Friday, containing what we had to do for the Sunday protest and for the future. In particular for Sunday, we looked for a lot of cardboards, poles, markers to compose signs and banners, adding up with portfolios of the last day press news and photos. In order to pay the attention of the people, two kind of masks were printed: a Pig and a Vendetta-like or Guy Fawkes...and finally all of us meeting at Williamson Sq, on Sunday noon, checking all the boxes of the TO DO LIST of the first demonstration. The group were excited to see the reaction of the people, to listen what they knew about the last demonstrations in Spain and just spreading to other parts of the world.

11.50am. we found at the square a pair of perfect fences, or steel railings, to stick on all the banners and signs, becoming "a wall of solidarity with Spain- and also for Greece and Italy", called like this by the Liverpool Solidarity Federation. We also provided the material to other people to make their own banner and protest. In one hour a lot of people turned up, from a lot of different backgrounds, and I copy again from Truth, Reason & Liberalism blog, as I can´t express better: "It was also noteworthy that almost all of those involved were Spanish, and certainly not recognisable as any of the same faces you see at every protest and demo in the city. In fact, the only people there who could be described as "regulars" in activism were two of us from Liverpool Solidarity Federation and a small bunch of teenagers involved in UK Uncut. Anarcho-syndicalists and youth with no particular deference to the traditional hierarchies of the left arguably fitting into the event with far more ease than a stall staffed by old Trots living on well-worn formulas for theory and action ever could". I only have to add, we were mostly Spanish, but also Italians, Greeks, English, French, Polish....from other countries of the world, not belonging to any particular active group.
We were just innocently happy to feel all of you there, so, without any idea of how to organize a group of spontaneous people (WE ARE AN APOLITICAL GROUP without any experience!!!!), we decided to make a circle on the floor, in order to listen what people wanted to say and why they had joined us. As the circle ended up being quite big, next time we will split in smaller groups, some pieces of paper were handed out for the circle to write: why did they come, and what do they want. You can see in the photos what everybody wrote. These photos should make you reflect...I encourage you to comment them*. That afternoon, we also created an email list to keep in contact. If you want to contact us, to contribute to this blog, you only email us: or just join the page and group in FB!

To summarize that wonderful day, that was a successful protest to support the other demonstrations occurring in Spain and the spreading wave of protests across Europe. Meeting more people interested in join us and discussing with you, was highly grateful for all of us. Remember, analysing together how other world can be possible is the beginning, and everybody needs to contribute a bit and get involved, if we want to make this real, firstly with their own awareness of the actual situation in the world!DON´T LOOK AT US, JOIN US!

Please group, I encourage you to complete my partial point of view of what happened on 22/05/11.

Thanks everybody for coming last Sunday.
Join us in the next events

Next event Tuesday 31st at 7.00pm

These are the leaflets distributed by very encouraged members of the group, they had a really good discussions on the street.

Sun Day 22 May 2011

*Photos: work in progress.


Arturo Perez-Reverte en Twitter

Viaje americano concluido. De nuevo aquí. Me he perdido doble movida. Votos y gente gritando basta. De las elecciones, poco que decir. Voto de castigo previsible y evidente. Me importa más lo otro. Lo nuevo. Lo emocionante.

15M. El día en que los españoles se negaron a seguir siendo cómplices.

Hacía mucho tiempo que no me sentía orgulloso de la gente. De mis compatriotas. Desde Argentina se veía todo aún más emotivo. Ya estuvo mi hija, dando la cara por mi. No sé qué diablos pasará al final. Si se mantendrá la limpieza o al cabo también el 15M se transformará en lo de siempre. Lo que me importa es que ha ocurrido. Que los españoles han dejado de ser cómplices pasivos. Borregos silenciosos mientras los esquilan y degüellan. Ahora sé (sabemos) que las cosas son posibles. Que es posible conseguir que los corruptos, los incompetentes, los irresponsables, los hijos de puta, dejen de creerse impunes. No sé si servirá de algo. Pero #acampadasol ha sido ejemplar. Perfecto. Consolador. Higiénico. Ahora, los sinvergüenzas que gobiernan o los sinvergüenzas que aspiran a gobernar saben que es posible amotinarse en 24 horas. Amotinarse de verdad, pacífica y civilmente. Para esto o para lo que sea. Ojo: para lo que sea. El futuro es largo y ancho. Es la principal lección,creo.

No va a cambiar nada de golpe, pero sí puede cambiar en el futuro .El fin de la impunidad. El miedo a la gente. Lo de menos es lo que se pida o no. La utopía o lo razonable. Si es de izquierda o derechas lo que se pide. Aquí me importa más el método. Eso es lo deliciosamente revolucionario del 15M: el método. El contenido está lejos, por desgracia. Esas listas electorales con 1.000 imputados lo prueban. Por eso lo que de verdad me interesa de esto es el método.En cómo la gente lo ha visto e interpretado.Ahí está la gran novedad, a mi juicio. Esos políticos de toda laya desconcertados por fin. Acojonados. Corriendo luego para hacerse allí una foto que les negaron. Y ese magnífico, espectacular, miedo que pueden tener a partir de ahora. Han visto, al fin, el campo de minas. Espero.

Es bueno que los políticos le tengan miedo a la gente. El miedo de un político es la mayor garantía de su rectitud. ¿Qué otro freno tiene un político sino el miedo? Esos canallas arrogantes llevaban demasiado tiempo creyéndose a salvo de todo. Ahora saben que no están a salvo de nada. Que son vulnerables. Me encanta que esa pandilla de funcionarios de la golfería institucionalizada se sientan vulnerables, por fin. Ojalá no se infiltren en esto los canallas. Ojalá no se transformen en politicos quienes ahora tienen la palabra de tantos en su boca.

Tengo una duda no resuelta: ¿Es bueno seguir en la calle, o se perderá el efecto? Me pregunto (sin respuesta, sólo me lo pregunto) si no sería más eficaz la táctica de guerrilla. Golpear simbólicamente, disolverse, volver a golpear en caso necesario. Disolverse, reunirse, golpear con la palabra y la dignidad y desaparecer de nuevo. Hasta la próxima. Concentrarse cada vez,para luchar con la palabra y el número. Abrumando a los canallas,que se sentirían vigilados y no dormirían tranquilos. Con esa amanaza siempre ahí, difusa pero real, nunca se corromperían tranquilos. Ni nos corromperían. Han sido 30.000, o 50.000… La próxima pueden ser 200.000. O más. Por eso me preocupa que se mantenga artificialmente lo que ya ha sido un éxito en ese sentido. Que eso pueda matar la eficacia. Bastaría un chispazo para desencadenarlo de nuevo. Unos cuantos cabreados o desesperados con un teclado y Twiter o facebook o lo que sea. Una ocasión próxima y el saber que puede hacerse. Que ya se ha hecho. Ha nacido,en mi opinión,una temible,incruenta y modernísima forma de guerrilla urbana. Una amenaza que del sentido común depende sea grotesca al fin, o permanente, limpia, desinteresada y global. Mi resumen es que, si hay rescoldo razonable, y hemos visto que lo hay, siempre se le puede echar gasolina. Si hace falta.

Ah. Y estoy de acuerdo con muchísimos de ustedes. La extrema derecha ha demostrado que sí. Que hay una estúpida extrema derecha. Yo creía que era un invento de los golfos de turno, y resulta que no. El tratamiendo de algunos medios ha sido para echar la pota. Pero claro. Tontosdelculo con orejeras los hay a diestra y siniestra. La gilipollez no tiene ideología, sino psicopatía ideológica.

Españistan by Alex Saló

Our group like this video, as some of our members posted on the group page, which explains how Spain ends up in the actual economical situation. Thanks to Alex Saló to created a summarized video with a great sense of humour.

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Map of Camps

Italian Revolution: Date e luoghi per la rivoluzione italiana … anche Pisa,Palermo,Bari,Taranto,Reggio Emilia

Italian Revolution: Date e luoghi per la rivoluzione italiana … anche Pisa,Palermo,Bari,Taranto,Reggio Emilia

Democratic Revolution Also as in FB

as a Group in FB

As a page On FB

Spain's anti-cuts protesters defy pre-election ban - video

The Guardian

BBC: Spain protesters defy ban to remain in Madrid square

On Air: Puerta del Sol, Madrid, Spain

Online TV Shows by Ustream

TOMA LA CALLE 15.05.11

Manifiest from Democracia Ya

Democratic Revolution Also in Liverpool

Just today a group of people from different European countries, Italy, Greek, Spain; being concerned about what´s going on in Spain, just decided to join the Spanish revolution and create a similar protest in Liverpool. For more info please click the  event Democratic Revolution in Liverpool on FB
Come along to meet us, support, bring your ideas, your banners!We are waiting for all the support!
Other concentrations around the world
You can also contribute with this blog with different ideas and connect each other in different parts of the world.

All together we can make a change!

If you would like to email us any post, just to: